This site provides monthly data about GP2GP transfers requested by practices in England. The data can be viewed for individual practices or grouped by Sub Integrated Care Board (ICB) Location.
What you can find out
This site provides data about
- GP2GP transfers for registering practices
- percentage of transfers that were successfully received via GP2GP
- percentage of transfers that failed for technical reasons
- integration times for received transfers
- GP2GP transfers between practices in England only
What this data can’t tell you
This site does not provide data about
- GP2GP transfers for deducting practices
- registrations that are not eligible for GP2GP. For example:
- the previous practice was in Wales or Scotland
- registrations to and from the armed forces
- there is no previous practice registered, for any reason
- registrations that had a technical issue before GP2GP was triggered
- transfers between SystmOne practices that do not go via GP2GP